16 January 2012

Wearing of proper uniform ordered

Lousy policemen will now be barred from entering camps and even at the stations and precincts where they are assigned after the national police leadership has ordered the strict implementation of proper wearing of uniform and required physical cleanliness.
Director General Nicanor Bartolome, chief of the Philippine National Police (PNP), said that he came up with the order after he received complaints and personally observed violations of the policy on proper wearing of uniform and insignia.

Worse, some of the policemen even have physical appearances which are unbecoming of a policeman like sporting beard and moustache.
“We want to project a good image by wearing proper uniform while in performance of their duty. An officer with a proper appearance dignifies the police profession and gains public trust and admiration,” said Bartolome.
The official said that he is just implementing an old policy of ensuring that all policemen are snappy through the Letter of Instruction: “Tamang Bihis”.
Based on PNP records, among the usual violations are unauthorized or improper wearing of uniforms, insignias and accoutrements, unauthorized haircut, dirty shoes, dirty uniform and unshaved moustaches.
To ensure strict compliance, Bartolome said he included in the responsibility of policemen manning entry points of camps and officers at the police station levels to monitor violations of the policy.
“Base police personnel manning the entrances of PNP camps shall be alert in taking cognizance on the authorized and prescribed PNP uniform of the day to serve as guide in the issuance of delinquency reports of all violators,” said Bartolome.
“They will also ensure that all PNP personnel who are found wearing unauthorized PNP uniforms and, or improperly wearing the same shall be denied entry inside the camp,” he added.
He said the strict implementation of “Tamang Bihis” policy include all police uniforms.
Bartolome said on-the-spot inspections regularly to all PNP offices, units and camps will be conducted.



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