The Province of Davao Oriental through Gov. Corazon Malanyaon has launched a tree planting campaign on June 22, 2009, 6:30am - 7:00am. Under the
Million Trees Planting Campaign, people, communities, business and industry, civil society organizations and government employees of Davao Oriental participated in the said activity with the objective of planting trees along the highway from the boundary of Comval Province and Davao Oriental to the province of Boston, Davao Oriental. The campaign strongly encourages the planting of indigenous trees and trees that are appropriate to the local environment.
Trees help conserve soil and water , control avalanches , prevent desertification , protect coastal areas and stabilize sand dunes. They also house up to 90 percent of known terrestrial species. In addition they absorb carbon dioxide and store nearly 300 Gigatonnes of carbon in their biomass alone.
i guess we really need to plant more trees! :-)
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