17 pass 2011 CPA Exam
The Professional Regulation Commission (PRC) has announced that 17 out of 128 passed the Certified Public Accountant Licensure Examination given by the Board of Accountancy in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates; Jeddah and Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and in Doha, Qatar last December 2011.
The members of the Board of Accountancy are Eugene T. Mateo, Chairman; Rufo R. Mendoza, Vice Chairman; Luis A. Cañete and Jose S. Tayag, Jr., Members.
Arca, Ernesto Jr. Ignacio; Balagot, Bernadethe Ng; Barrion, Arnold Acosta; Biescas, Alan Bonto; Carmen, Dante Rosindal; Castro, Marc Lester Ricamonte; Daria, Reynaldo Teneza; Fernandez, Ronalyn Delos Reyes; Marteriz, Ronald Ebrada; Palisoc, Nerissa Lumagui; Pineda, Erwin Diaz; Policarpio, Lalaine David; Ramilo, Cleto Orzo; Rempillo, Sherwin Viray; Similatan, Mary Grace Salisad; Tolentino, Florangel Acpal; and Unte, Ashlanie Cosain.
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