08 December 2011

Mo continues harping on 'abortion' issue

It seems the controversial DJ Mo Twister isn’t done expressing his feelings yet on the latest controversy involving him and ex-girlfriend Rhian Ramos.
On Dec. 7, Mo, through his Tumblr account, seemingly took a swipe at the actress, who are among celebrities who spend their birthdays with cancer-stricken kids.
Mo began, “What made me most jealous? Every year on your birthday, you’d take your camera crew and go see terminally sick children and throw a party for them.
“I’m sure it made those children genuinely happy, and for that, a thank you is in order from their parents and doctors who put so much effort in trying to extend their life and make it comfortable,” said he.
However, Mo admitted that these things – “to see your mom make spaghetti and chicken lollipop. To see you do interviews and take pictures with the children” – made him “secretly jealous.”
He explained, “Because every year as you do this to celebrate, I wonder why the same people making chicken lollipop and pasta, the same girl showing concern for the dying child—also on a yearly basis—sacrifices the life of our own child for fame? I was always jealous. I shou[l]dn’t be.”
Still without dropping any names, the last part of his entry may have been more telling on the identity of who he was referring to.
“These children didn’t know what happened just months prior and the year before, and how many other times before that.  But I knew.  I knew that these children and parents struggle to stay alive one more day—while their 'idol' and her family have taken so many in the name of vanity.
“For every year you’ve visited them, was also a year you’ve gotten rid of one,” he finished.
Note that Mo’s Tumblr entry was posted on the same day as "24 Oras" aired Pia Guanio’s exclusive interview with Rhian for the segment “Chika Minute." Here, Rhian tearfully revealed that Mo used emotional blackmail on her whenever she would attempt to break up with him.
Just the day before, Mo had heated exchanges with netizens who criticized his actions via Twitter.
Addressing user @xtrasweetwifeyx, the DJ-TV host said, “the difference between you and me dear? Your loved ones get a funeral. My 3 1/2 month old child was thrown in the trash.”
In another tweet, Mo posted, “@Mistacey you can call me loser and il agree w/ you. There was been no denial. I was in that room when one second your child has a heartbeat and the next second it's sucked out by tools and a vacuum. I'm a loser? Yes, I've lost something that I wish you won't ever have to endure.”



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