How to Stop Checking Yourself Out All the Time?

1. How many mirrors are you involved with - at home, at work, in your purse, your car, for brief encouters?
2. How many mirrors do you use for special purposes - magnifying mirrors, makeup mirrors, rearview mirrors?
3. How often do you check a mirror of any kind each day?
4. About how much time do you spend each time you look in a mirror?
Now find out how accurate your guesses were: For a few days, count each time you check yourself out in a mirror. Then figure your "average daily mirror time." Was it higher or lower than you expected?
Now answer these questions honestly:
1. When you face the mirror, are you looking at hair,skin, clothing, size, etc.?
2. Are you looking for a problem, information, evidence that you're lovely, proof that you're not, etc.?
3. Do you expect (hope) the mirror will tell you "Yes, I'm as pretty as I thoug," "No, I'm not any different than yesterday," "How did a nice person like you get stuck in a body like this," "You look great, stop worrying," etc.?
If your mirror habits seem excessive, cut back: Remove or cover a mirror you can live without. Make each mirror "encounter" a bit shorter than your norm. Cutting down toward becoming less preoccupied with your appearance.
This is a very good "self-realization" post. I am guilty - sometimes ;) I have yet to ditch the mirrors and see how it will be...
Have a great day!
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