26 November 2008

Smile Award

Thank you Shirgie for this Smile Stone Award.

Smiling is a great way to make yourself stand out while helping your body to function better. Smile to improve your health, your stress level, and your attractiveness. Smiling is just one fun way to live longer read about the others and try as many as you can.

My reasons to smile:

1. I am alive.

2. My Boo gave me a water melon last night.

3. My 10 month old nephew sang with me.

4. I have new blogger friends.

5. My birthday is coming up.

6. I'm going back to play badminton.

7. I took pictures of my two nephews who joined the Boy Scouts Jamborette parade.

8. I don't get late to work.

9. Blogger friends comment on my posts.

10. God is always there to give me strength.

I'm passing this award to Shirley, Kate, Sunny, SexyJessie, Eva, and Faye



sunny November 26, 2008 at 12:32 PM  

Thank you for this award amiga!!! Be happy! always flash that beautiful smile!

Kate November 26, 2008 at 12:49 PM  

Thank you, Alma! Will blog about this as soon as I have the time. Keep on blogging! You make me smile as well :-)

Nhil November 26, 2008 at 7:48 PM  

Hey Alma, I tagged you with a meme...check this out: http://simplemarriedlife.com/?p=176

eva November 27, 2008 at 9:45 AM  

hi alma thanks for the add. will post it soon. take care

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