03 November 2008

How to Prepare for a TEST

Tests are here to stay! You should get used to them. And, particularly, you might as well learn how to prepare for them and how to take them. There are physical test which doctors will give you, and there are mental tests in life, and also social tests. The person who knows best how to prepare for tests will lessen the difficulty of passing them successfully.

As you continue your education in school, you will find it more difficult to get into college than years ago. Today, there is only once place for every twenty persons who apply. In your senior year in high school, you will begin to take tests to get into college. These test are called College Entrance Tests, and there are books written especially to show you how to pass them. Preparing to take a test is practically half the victory. Taking the test completes the victory. Simply the test the test is so important to your continuation in school and your eventual success in business, learn well how to prepare for it.

The best way to prepare for an examination is to do your work each day as carefully as you can. Last minute cramming may help you get some facts, but often will confuse you in the test itself.

Some words of wisdom:

1. Be attentive in class. Do your daily assignments.
2. in reviewing a chapter or a lesson, use an outline or a number of cards. Get a general idea of the entire chapter to start with.
3. Change each heading into a question. Write the answer to each question in your words after you have read the material under the heading.
4. Reas the questions in any order and give the answers mentally.
5. The night before a test, get a good sleep. Dont eat heavy meal before a test. Be confident that you will pass the test.



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