03 June 2012

Parents Warned On Unlisted Schools

With the enrollment still ongoing in most private schools nationwide, the Department of Education (DepEd) warned yesterday parents and students against unaccredited schools saying that "studying in an unaccredited private school might pose a problem on student’s learning due to a possibly unauthorized curriculum."
Education Secretary Armin Luistro said that all DepEd regional offices have been ordered to submit the list of names and addresses of private schools with government permit to operate as this will serve as guide for parents and students on which private schools to enroll in.
"The list will then be posted in all regional and division offices, municipal halls and other conspicuous places to inform the public of the duly recognized and accredited private schools in the country," Luistro said. The deadline for the submission of the list was May 31.
"We encourage parents to check whether the private school where they intend to enroll their children has the required permits so the department can easily track down unaccredited private schools and pursue immediate action," he explained.
Luistro stressed that studying in an unaccredited private school might pose a problem on student’s learning due to a possibly unauthorized curriculum. "If a private school does not go through the process of government accreditation, we are not even sure if they follow the minimum academic standards set by the appropriate government agencies." The DepEd Chief explained that pupils and students who had finished an alleged grade/year level in a school without the required permit are advised to take the Philippine Validating Test (PVT) prior to admission to another school to validate the acquired learning gains. PVT is administered at the National Education Testing and Research Center at the DepEd Central Office. A master list of private schools with DepEd accreditation is available at the DepEd website, www.deped.gov.ph.



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