13 June 2011

Rule on suspension of classes in the tertiary level during typhoons

The Commission on Higher Education (CHEd) on Monday reiterated their rule on suspension of classes in the tertiary level during typhoons.

This comes as colleges and universities nationwide started classes for school year 2011-2012.

CHEd Memorandum Order No. 34 series of 2010, issued last October 22, 2010, clarified the guidelines for suspension of classes in higher education institutes (HEIs) due to weather disturbances.

Based on the memorandum, classes at the collegiate level, including graduate school, are automatically suspended in HEIs once public storm warning signal number 3 is raised.

However, heads of HEIs have the discretion to cancel classes even if signal number 3 is not yet declared, especially if there are other factors, such as flooding and road damage.

"HEI heads or their duly authorized representatives shall make the announcement for the suspension of classes not later than 5 o'clock in the morning of the day when it shall take effect, using all means of communication," the memo read.

The CHEd memo also stated that "even without the suspension of classes, students who are unable to report to class or participate in scheduled activities such as exams, due to inclement weather, shall be given consideration and be allowed to make up for the missed class or activity."

The commission also said that based on the memo, they do not announce the cancellation of classes.

Source: ABS CBN News



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