23 February 2011

Canada and Australia: Most Livable Cities in the World

Coming in at number one (for the fourth year in a row) Vancouver has been rated the most livable city in the world.

An annual survey from the Economist Intelligence Unit, which ranks 140 cities in terms of "stability, health care, culture and environment, education, and infrastructure",  has found that Canadian and Australian cities are disproportionately the best places to live. Must be all that health care and room to move around.

While Vancouver was in the top spot, and  Calgary and Toronto were also among the top ten, it was the cities of Australia that dominated the list, winning four of the top 10 spots. Melbourne was in at number two, Sydney was number seven and Perth and Adelaide tied for number eight. The top ten was rounded out by Vienna, Helsinki and Auckland.
Surprisingly, the highest ranking American city was Pittsburgh at 29, and wonder-cities New York and London ranked somewhere around the middle, coming in at 56 and 53, respectively.



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