Is there a problem in going out with a person who belongs to a different church than yours? Getting to know a person from a completely different religious background is easy today. The problem is knowing whether to have dates with persons from such widely differently backgrounds. Parents of all religion generally prefer that children date their own group. Date someone of your own faith and no questions are asked. Date a persom from a different faith and you maybe called upon to defend your choice, perhaps even fight for the right to that friendship. There are those who argue that in a democracy like ours, unwillingness to date a person of another faith is wrong. Young people sometimes feel strongly about their right to date whenever they want, regardless of religion. They claim that the prejudices of adults should not be allowed to limit the friendships of young people. They pride themselves on their tolerance, and, upon occasion even flaunt their inter-faith frienships, further complicating the problem.
Adolescents, young people who are attempting to emancipate themselves from their parents may deliberately date a person of a different faith as a way of proving that they're grown up and can choose their own companions. Unconsciously, they may prefer the other individual just because their parents do disapprove. As he grows more mature, a young person doesn't have to defy his parents quite so flagrantly, and charm of difference for difference' sake wears off.
When two persons see a lot of each other in dating situations it's always possible that the relationship will become so emotionally or sexually involved that the couple is forced into marriage whether they are well matched as a pair or not. Thus it is understandable that parents feel easier when dates are restricted to members of their own or similar church.
It's easier said than done when you are dating someone with different faith. Currently, I'm dating someone who is of a smiliar faith, he's Catholic and Im a Christian. Religion plays a major part, but when love and mutual understanding conquers all.
It's easier said than done when you are dating someone with different faith. Currently, I'm dating someone who is of a smiliar faith, he's Catholic and Im a Christian. Religion plays a major part, but when love and mutual understanding conquers all.
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