03 September 2011

The wonder digital wooden clock

I have never seen a clock such as the Digital Wooden Clock advertised online, what attracted my attention was the fact that the numbers appear in gold on the face of the wooden – or simulated wooden – block. This LED wooden desk clock shows both date and time alternately.

It is powered by a small battery much like what one would use for watches or small LED flashlights – this time, a CR 2025 model. Surprisingly, it even has an adapter that can take in 100 – 240 V and converts this to the 6 V needed by the unit.

The clock is a conversation piece, especially since the numbers seem to be floating right on top of the wooden frame. It is the sort of gadget that one has to pick up and feel, checking to see what form of modern magic makes the clock work thus. Even Harry Potter would have been proud to have this clock with him in his various quests.

The digital wooden clock is made in China – so what else is new? – and retails for just less than $20 apiece. Of course, the manufacturer has a scale that gives larger discounts for increasingly larger orders.
This is a nice presentation gift to give friends and customers. One wonders if a logo can be superimposed at the factory or whether this should be done once it is in the hands of the final user or one who intends to use it for corporate promotions.




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