31 March 2009
30 March 2009
How to backup your computer installed drivers?
I came across this site that gave me an idea on how to backup of your computer installed drivers and use it to troubleshoot any driver problems. This backup will be very useful when you will format your computer window due to any reason. There is no need to search the drivers from internet or drivers CD, just import the driver backup and within five minute, you will complete the driver installation process. You can move this backup from one computer to other computer for installation.
To complete the all process, we will use a simple tool called DriverMax. Using this tool, we can easily export the backup of any specific or all drivers and then import it for reinstallation later or elsewhere. You can free download (with free registration code) this tool for windows XP and Vista also. Download it and run the easy setup. After Installation launch DriverMax, the first screen you will get with title "DriverMax - Version" and options "Export drivers, Import drivers and Installed drivers report". Just click on "Export Driver" option to start backup process.

Press the Next button and in next screen you can select the export type (simple backup or in zip format) and then choose the backup location (always choose drive other than C drive).

at Monday, March 30, 2009 0 comments
Labels: PC Problems
28 March 2009
Rejection Time
Even as early as this time, we already see some politicians getting ready for their candidacy for the 2010 election.
It is not surprising to say that to most Filipinos, voting is simply a gesture of participation to our country's political affairs. As a matter of fact, Filipinos are noted for being thoughtless voters who don't seem to care much about choosing candidate for posts.
Evidently, even before the campaign period has started, sad stories of vote buying, fly voting, and other evils and election frauds already start to spread out.
This has always been the attitude of most Filipinos every election. Now, it has become worse.
It is rather patriotic to say, that the individual, no matter what walk of life he belongs, plays a vital and crucial role during elections. Vital, for his vote tightly grips the country's future. Crucial, on the other had, because the lives of all filipinos (including those who are yet to be born) are intimately involved in the consequences if thoughtless voters attitude would remain as is.
Election is one best opportunity to prove our equality to the rest. So don't waste time. The next election that comes along must be different. When we vote, our votes are equally counted as that of others. No matter what you are and who you are, your vote will have an equal credit to the vote even to that of the President of the Philippines. Whether rich or poor, young or old, popular or not, all votes have equal counts.
We govern ourselves through the officials that we choose during elections. Electing them not only means putting their names in our ballots because they are popular or what. We elect them because we believe in them. They have proven their potentials and self worth. And most of all, they are trustworthy, reliable, and dependable in running the country for the next three years.
Our country is governed by laws and policies. When we elect people to the Senate and other positions, our votes implicates the authority we give them to represent our voice in legislation. A point to be careful about.
Like anyone else, we certainly urge each and everyone to exercise their right to suffrage. That when we'll go out to vote, we neither do it for fun nor as a simple geture of being Filipinos. Instead, let us put our hopes ang aspirations for our country in our individual ballots.
The election 2010 spells out uncertainties. But, your thoughtful gesture will surely make a difference. Don't waste your vote to politicians whose promises are perpetually fugacious. they have major responsibilities to perform. Choose only those whom you believe, by facts and reasons, are capable of doing tedious tasks for the greater glory of all.
These are the things we need to ponder on when we elect people next year. As Alejandro Roces put it in his column before, "Don't vote straight ticket because no party is straight. Don't confuse cheap talk for free speech. Election is selection and rejection." He added, "Profundity and wide knowledge are liabilities, not assets in a popular election. So let us brace ourselves and see the politicians who will be elected to mess up the country."
True. We need enlightened individuals in the government. Likewise, we need intelligent voters to elect and reject.
at Saturday, March 28, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Reflections
26 March 2009
Warm- Weather, Well-Being
Summer can be a happy, healthy time for kids, but it's also when adults need to do the most to keep youngters safe and well. "Children have more time on their hands, often unsupervised, and they spend that time enjoying potentially risky activities," says Heather Paul, Ph. D., executive director of the National SAFE KIDS campaign. Follow these tips to help children stay healthy from now til school bells toll again.
Sports and Play
Games and sports should be supervised by an adult, no matter what the kids' age ad experience. Coaches should complete a certification program that includes first aid, fitness, teaching techniques and basic skills.
Don't let children play one, even in the yard. Secure fences and gates. Lock up gardening tools and yard chemicals.
Know your neighborhood. Show children which areas are off-limits for play: garages, abandoned buildings, construction sites, Dumpsters, waterfronts and railroad tracks.
Ensure playground safety. Almost a quarter of a million kids a year are hurt at playgrounds. Keep children off equipment that's unstable, splintered, corroded etc. The ground surface should be a shock-absorbing material, such as a rbber mat or artificial turf, or a loose fill like sand, sawdust, double-shredded mulch or fine gravel. Avoid concrete, asphalt, hard-packed dirt and patchy grass.
Active kids become dehydrated and hungry more quickly than adults, so frequent water and snack breaks are crucial. If a child looks tired or overheated, remove her or him from play. A child who complains of pain may have an injury, and should cut back the frequency and intensity of play or sports practice.
Children must wear and use proper equipment - batting helmets and quick release bases for Little League basebal, for example - that's size for them.
A child's skin is more sensitive than an adult's, and childhood sunburn increases the risk of skin cancer later. Have all children wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15 anytime they're outdoors on summer days.
Bicycle Riding
Two-thirds of bike-related fatalities happen between May and September. Remind children that a bicycle is a vehicle not a toy. Have them attend a bike safety day or rodeo.
A helmet is an absolute must; take our child's bike away if he or she won't wear one. Three-quarters of all child-bicyclist deaths are from head injuries, according to the National SAFE KIDS Campaign. Make sure the helmet fits.
Have your child's bike tuned and inspected regularly, especially the brakes, wheels, tires, gear shifts and reflectors.
Encourage children to use bike paths. A child is eigth times more likely to be hurt riding in the street than on a path.
Plants and Animals
Instruct children never to eat any plant part. If you suspect a child has ingested a poisonous plant, call your local Poison Control Center immediately.
Poison ivy and poison oak are a common cause of summer itching and rashes, and can cause more severe problems in some children. Teach kids to recognize and avoid these three-leafed plats.
Tell your pediatrician if a child receives 10 or more insect stings at one time, or if swelling lasts more than a day.
In rare cases, bee stings and other insect bites can be deadly. If a child wheezes, collapses, turns pale or blue, or has difficulty in breathing, abdominal cramps, hives or swollen lips, eyes, throat, tongue, hands or feet after a bite or sting, call an ambulance.
Check children for ticks anytime they play in woods or fields. Tell your pediatrician if a child gets a rash, fever or joint pain within a few weeks of a tick bite.
Dog bites oer 1.2 million children a year. Wash any bite thoroughly with warm water and soap, and ell your child's doctor. If a child is bitten by a wild animal, inform your pediatrician and call the local animal contro officer or the police.
(By: Gordon Bakoulis)
at Thursday, March 26, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Holidays
23 March 2009
Top 3 Tech-Voc Schools in Region XI
at Monday, March 23, 2009 3 comments
Labels: Education
16 March 2009
March 12-14, 2009
SM Megatrade Hall 2, Ortigas, Mandaluyong City
Official Entry - Bundas: Gateway to Squid Fishing Industry
Best in Technology & Livelihood Category
The Team received P30,000 cash prize, trophy, and Smart Bro prepaid Plug-it Kit. The school, in turn, will receive one computer unit. Read more...
Winners of Doon Po Sa Amin Learning Challenge 2009
LANGUAGE AND LITERATURE: The Untold Stories of the Ivatans
ARTS AND CULTURE: Laji and Palo Palo
HEALTH AND WELNESS : Amazing Nanay Ansing
TECHNOLOGY AND LIVELIHOOD: Bundas: Gateway to Squid Fishing
SOCIAL SCIENCE: Si Ina: Sarong Debosyon sa Halawig na Panahon
GRAND CHAMPION: Si Ina: Sarong Debosyon sa Halawig na Panahon Read more...
at Monday, March 16, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Education
13 March 2009
What a Day Indeed!
Today is a hectic day for me here at Megatrade Hall 2, SM Mega Mall, Ortigas. My teammates are all set for the Final presentation for the DPSA Learning Challenge at 9:30am. There were 5 Judges who asked few questions about the Focus Story to the student group members after their presentation. Then we had the opening ceremony of the 5th SWEEP Innovation and Excellence Awards. The distinguished guests were the VIPs of the SMART Communications, Phils. We were entertained by a hiphop dance from The Crew and songs from Barbie Almalbis. There was a free seminar on Web 2.0 for Education: Collaboration and Learning by Doing. My co-teacher Elfleda Dionio and student Federico V. Franco Jr. participated in the DPSA Quiz Bee and made it to the final round tomorrow. Yehey!!! As of this writing, I am at our exhibit booth while there is an ongoing PalaECEpan Semifinals participated in by the different Colleges and Universities from all SWEEP Partners of SMART nationwide. We will have the afternoon entertainment by the Stonefree Rock Band until the rest of the evening. Tomorrow will be the big day! Til then...
Read more...09 March 2009
Have Fun and Relax
I had sleepless nights for the past few days doing some revisions and editing of our school's entry website to the Smart DPSA Learning Challenge Culminating Activity. Whew!
Time to relax a little bit. Take a look at the pictures below.
at Monday, March 09, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Entertainment
06 March 2009
We made it to the Finals!
During the pre-final judging, the entries were classified and ranked according to their respective Topic Categories. The top five (5) entries per Topic Category emerged as the finalists for the Best in Topic Category Award.
Winners of the Best in Topic Category Award will vie for the Grand Champion Award and will be invited in the DPSA Awards event to exhibit their works. The DPSA Awards event will be held back-to-back with the SWEEP Innovation & Excellence Awards in one big education event, “me2: Managing Emergencies, Maximizing Education,” on March 12-14, 2009 at SM Megatrade Hall, Ortigas, Mandaluyong City.
Our Team Profile:
Adviser: Mrs. Fatimar R. Macarona
Moderator: Ms. Alma T. Cafe
ICT Coordinator
Coach: Mrs. Elfleda C. Dionio
Student Group:
Vengie G. Ygonia - 4th Yr. Student
Federico V. Franco Jr. - 4th Yr. Student
Christian C. Pasion - 4th Yr. Student
Kimberly F. Acasio - 4th Yr. Student
Aimee Marion A. Morales - 4th Yr. Student
02 March 2009

Yes, it's March and Alma Mater Hymns and Graduation songs are again echoing loudly and lucidly. As it has always been, another bunch of graduates will march the isles with pride, climb up the podium with confidence, and receive their diplomas with the deepest feeling of emotional relief.
At this point in time, we believe that the graduating seniors are ready and that they are more eager to face greater responsibilities and experience the life outside the four-walled classroom.
In two weeks or so, we will once again see graduates rushing to the different corners searching for job vacancies. Some of them will be getting good jobs while some will get average ones just enough to get them through.
In most cases, those who have performed better in academics are more likely to be hired faster than those who have poor academic records, except otherwise when nepotism is at work.
Those who are unemployed or underly employed will come to realize how important grades are for employment. Probably, late as it may bem they will begin to understand deeper the value of work and the importance of perseverance. They'll start to ponder on things they should or shouldn't have done in college.
A friend who until now has not been hired for a job since we graduated told me what life is like being jobless. He is so downhearted and wishes he had not graduated for life to him was much better off being a student than a graduate and jobless.
Will there be another prototype who will think such a thing now that another graduation has to come?
To most, graduation is an entrance to a more competitive world where an individual has to face greater challenges in life.
On things is certain here. Majority of them will go out and look for jobs after graduation, but wil they all be accommodated? Are there job placements ready for them? Record show that Philippines is producing thousands of professional every year. And undoubtedly, she is producing thousands of jobless and underlyemployed year after year.
We come to face to face with the problem of unemployment in the country.
For a fact, about 800,000 enter the job market every year. Today, the rate of jobless had increased. This alarming situation is brought about significantly by one factor, that is, "more people for few opportunities. Can you imagine a bulky file of applications a Director has to consider for one vacant slot?
It reminds me of a Senator who dislikes the population program of the government because according to him "people are not the problem but the solution to the problem."
Putting his words particularly in this situation, how can our jobless graduates solve the unemployment problem in our country?
People are resources. Nobody would seem to disagree on that. But having too many of them is so much of the country's burden. How can we develop people into productive resources if we can't even meet the present needs?
Early or later this month, another bunch of young citizens will march for graduation.
We only hope and pray that our government will share with them the economic boom (as they call it) our country has experienced lately providing them with ample job opportunities. Jobs where they can be more functional, productive, and which provide them enough chances to perform their best.
May God shower his abundance upon them that they may be able to land on jobs of their preferred professions and that, they will all dedicate themselves in the service of their fellowmen, their country, and continue to live by His living words.
In any case, we encourage them all to take all the challenges in life in a positive dimension by getting up every time they stumble and fall.
at Monday, March 02, 2009 0 comments
Labels: Youth